While doing some research on how to run a blog and what to write about, I found some prompts that I could easily run with in between my story-telling type of blog posts.
(Thank you Pinterest for being such a good source of inspiration.)
The list below is in no particular order! Everything that I mention is just whatever I can come up with on the spot!
10 things that make me happy
1. The scent of apples.
I don't know why, but I have always been specifically drawn to apple-scented candles. I recently bought one from IKEA too and I cannot wait to use it and make my bedroom smell good. <3
However, funnily enough, I do not quite enjoy eating apples as much. Maybe I'm just too lazy to even buy and cut up the apples without having to bite my way around the core... Then again, I probably need to go back to adding more fruit to my diet.
2. Music I am very much a musicophile. I absolutely cannot go a day without listening to music and I've been like this since I was little. My father used to be a DJ in his early adulthood and he still likes to mix music to this day. So, naturally, when I was younger I heard a lot of the music he likes on full blast. Artists such as Pink Floyd, ACDC, Kate Bush, Cher, Michael Jackson, and more! Nowadays I've got my own taste in music, but I never quite stuck to one specific genre. Hell, my Spotify playlist Amethyst Radio is a mess! 😂
3. Daydreaming
I'll admit, I like to daydream about being in one of my favourite fictional universes. Whether it be Middle-Earth (The Lord of the Rings), or heck, even the Gorillaz universe now. I just enjoy getting lost in a worth that isn't reality to kill time, to find a safe space, or go on adventures with my favourite fictional characters.
This is also something I have done since I was young. I'm pretty sure it started with shows like Winx Club or Pokémon. And I'd like to think that this is how I developed my creativity.
4. Hot chocolate Chocolate is a friend of many (except for those who are allergic). But I prefer mine in the liquid form with some whipped cream and marshmallows or chocolate chips on top. I will have hot chocolate in any season, doesn't matter how hot a summer day is, if I can get my hands on hot chocolate, I will take it.

5. Shopping
This is more like... a temporary therapy for me. Buying something new to give myself a quick boost of serotonin. And it could be anything too! Maybe a new shirt, a necklace, a journal, pens, markers, hair dye, anything!
Buuuuuuut, like I said, the happiness I get from it is only temporary. Sometimes I only like to go (online) window shopping, to get inspiration on what to buy when I've got money to spend. It gives me the same little boost of happiness that I need to get through the day.
6. Gaming
This is quite an obvious one if you know me at all, but I really enjoy playing games to kill time or to wind down. Sometimes it's even a way for me to feel a little productive (i.e. getting achievements or reaching a certain level.)
This is another thing I kind of inherited from my father. He too was a gamer, and I always enjoyed watching him play games like Tomb Raider, or even Call of Duty.
When I was younger I was obsessed with my Nintendo 64, Playstation 2, and DS. And at some point my dad even gave me his Call of Duty games to install on my own computer. (It's low-key his fault I am so addicted to my PC now. 😅)
7. Writing
This is pretty much related to number 3 in the list, but even since I was young I just loved coming up with "original" stories. My poorly written fanfictions were never published online because I feared judgement.
From writing fanfiction I migrated to roleplaying. I started on Facebook and IMVU many years ago, when Facebook's system still allowed fake names. (Ugh, I can write so much about my roleplaying career haha. Maybe I'll dedicate a blog entry to it!)
I also attempted to find penpals! Handwriting letters is another form of therapy for me. But unfortunately, my penpals seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. (Jk, I probably just got ghosted.) I hope they're well. ^^
8. Collecting If you don't have at least 1 collection of something, are you really living? Currently, I am collecting Final Fantasy trading cards, which I keep track of here (I am very OCD about this list). I am looking forward to expanding on my collection and hopefully finding new cards! Another silly little thing I like to collect are markers. I'm not sure why, but there's something so satisfying about this...
9. The sea
Every year, throughout the year, I crave to go to the beach. To see, smell, and hear the salty water. All those things combined give me a sense of peace, it makes me feel lighter and free.
Unfortunately, this year during the summer I didn't get the opportunity to go to the beach to just hang out or take a walk. But maybe I'll put my fears aside and go during autumn, when it's not crowded with sunbathers.
10. Journaling Going back on the topic of writing, journaling is not just that. It's also decorating the pages to fit the topic, mood, etc. with drawings, stickers, washi tape, and photos. While I don't do it on a daily basis like a lot of other people do, it's still nice to get rid of my thoughts and feelings on paper, to vent into a void where nobody can or will judge me. I am thankful for my therapist who pointed out this way of self-help. Journaling is a great way to just wind down, get all your thoughts in a row, and figure out what exactly you're going through. And I highly recommend doing this if you need a new way to vent about something. Just buy a cheap journal from any stationery store, a good pen, and start writing. The rest will happen on its own.
I am grateful for...
the clothes that fit a little too snug. Because it means I have enough to eat.
This week's song:
Question of the week:
What is something that makes you happy? Even if it's temporary. Tell me the background behind that thing, and why it makes you happy.