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Entry 6: Songs that speak to me

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! This entry is a bit late because I went out with my friends yesterday. I had a great time with them, but I am also happy to be back home and to relax with some music.

Music means a lot to me. It is my main form of therapy, meditation, ad whatever other practice you can name to calm down. Ever since I was young, music was my everything. I dreamed of becoming a singer, or to play a part in musicals, while my dad would play AC/DC, Pink Floyd, and Kate Bush really loud on his speakers in the living room.

Fun fact: my dad actually used to be a DJ. He used to work in night clubs and played all the popular songs from his time.

Over the years I have, of course, discovered many different artists, many different genres, and I always remain fascinated by how people can come up with new melodies.

Also, my best pair of earphones died recently. Big sad. 😭


Today I will show you guys some songs that mean a lot to me. However, I am not the greatest with words, so I will try my best to describe how these songs make me feel.


Gryffin, Illenium - Feel Good ft. Daya

I discovered this song several years bang, longing for an escape of everyday struggles with mental health, being a teenager and college student, feeling alone and wondering if things will be okay. How this song hit me I will never fully understand, but the way it makes me feel I can only describe as free.

This song makes me want to party, but only with my close group of friends. I wanna run around in the night, feel the love in my chest, have that cold night air hit my face, and bask in the colourful lights of the city.

"Yeah, I get over, overwhelmed When all these problems burn like hell Maybe I just need a friend Who never calls me crazy, crazy
You pull me off the front-line before I run Keep me cool when I get over-done You can take me there When my heart speaks When my heart speaks free"

This is my absolute favourite song and no other song will ever give me this same feeling each time I hear it. If I am having a depressive episode, this one song never fails to calm me down.


Gorillaz - Aries ft. Peter Hook & Georgia (Episode Three)

This song makes me want to go on road trips with my boyfriend. I'm only a new fan of Gorillaz, but this song has managed to awaken a dream in me; to drive in a car for hours, through cities and alongside the coast, listening and singing along to whatever song we put on. Just get another sense of freedom with this song.

"I'm standing on a beach in the distance And even though you're far away, can you see my red light? It's waiting to turn green 'Cause I feel so isolated without you I can't play a happy tune on my own, so stay by my side High on the tide"

It also makes me feel this need to strengthen the connection between me and my boyfriend. If that is even possible.


Spencer Sutherland - Fine

This song speaks to me in a more literal sense. The lyrics I can actually attach to a really bad habit of mine; pretending that I am fine, because I am scared that me admitting to not being fine will only make things worse, or scare people off. Relatable for anyone?

"If you ask me how I'm doing I say: fine If you ask me how I'm doing I say: I'm alright, I'm afraid of being honest cause my honesty ain't nice"

I can find peace in this song, in moments when I feel like I can't say anything, this song helps me realize that it's okay not to be fine.


Goo Goo Dolls - Iris

This is quite an old song. This one was released a year after I was born. I know this song is attached to a movie called City of Angels, but I haven't seen it yet. Instead, I discovered this song randomly.

Something about this song makes me fall in love all over again. You're probably familiar with the early stages of falling in love with someone, and then noticing more and more amazing and gorgeous traits about this person. When they smile, you smile.

"And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am"

I just can't be sure what it is about this song. It's just so unique.


BLØF - Holiday In Spain

Have a little bit of my native language! While this song is originally from the American band Counting Crows, the Dutch band BLØF translated some of the lyrics into Dutch. I've never really been into Dutch music, but this one just hits different.

"Misschien neem ik Spanje als besluit Laat m'n schepen achter Ik ga er stiekem tussenuit Een vluchtweg naar een nieuw begin"

I definitely recommend giving this song a listen. And if you don't enjoy the Dutch, just try the original version.


Hikaru Utada - Simple And Clean (Planitb Remix)

Of course, this list would not be complete with a piece of music from my favourite game franchise Kingdom Hearts. Simple and Clean was the first intro song in the games and has stuck since me since. It is a nostalgic piece, which reminds me of a time when a whole new world opened up to me with games, music, shows, and cosplay.

"Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so And maybe some things are that simple"


I am grateful for...

my hearing. Thanks to this, I can listen to music of any kind, from all around the world, and discover new pieces of myself.

This week's song: Everything in this list 😊

Question of the week: Have you heard of any of these songs? If not, what do you feel first time listening to them? Does it touch you at all? And what is one song that means a lot to you?



Eid ElDin
Eid ElDin
Aug 29, 2021

I like this mix!


Eid ElDin
Eid ElDin
Aug 29, 2021

Thank you for sharing these great songs with us!

I like it all are so cool, specially this Gorillaz song!


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