How is everyone coping with the concept that summer is pretty much over? I'm having a hard time accepting it, especially since there's a lot I didn't get to do due to the pandemic. On top of that, my mental health always takes a dive during the colder seasons, so I am not looking forward to that. 😥
I will start making a bucketlist for the summer next year, so I can plan properly and save money accordingly. Once I've finished the list, I'll post it on my blog!
On to today's topic!
My morning routine
I figured it would be nice to share what my mornings usually look like and maybe give someone some inspiration as to what to add to their mornings. Or just get a little more motivation to get things done before you get to work, school, etc.
I have always been rather disciplined when it came to waking up in the morning. Meaning that whenever my alarm clock went off, I got out of bed immediately. I never lingered in the comfort of my sheets, because once I do, it will throw my schedule off entirely and I absolutely can't stand that.
How you plan your morning is entirely up to you. Because there's always so much I want to do in the morning hours, I tend to wake up in the earlier hours. Such as 6AM, while my job or school would open at 9PM and is 30 minutes away from my home.
Step 1: Stretch Also known as "unfolding myself from my origami sleep". 😂 Honestly, it just feels so good to give my arms and legs a good stretch before getting up fully.
Step 2: Coffee
I am a coffee person for sure. Whether it's an ice mocha or a normal coffee, my morning is not complete without this comforting drink. The caffeine doesn't even work on me anymore, I really only drink it for the taste.
Step 2.5: Breakfast???
Okay look, I am not a breakfast person. I never enjoyed eating in the morning, no matter what it is. It just feels like too much effort and makes me feel even sleepier while my goal is to wake up. On rare occasions I do eat breakfast, which can be something as simple as scrambled eggs or toast.
Step 3: Get dressed
Don't forget to wear the same colour socks and clean undies!
(Note: somewhere in between these steps I boot up my PC. While it's booting up, I proceed doing other things until I can sit down for a bit and use it. The next step is basically when I get to sit down.)
Step 4: Skincare
Since my teenage years I've been prone to acne, so I take my skincare very serious. I want to make sure my skin is clean, moisturised and healthy. I could list off the products I use, but then again, the products that work differs per person.
Step 5: Vitamins
Most people eat fruit, I take vitamin supplements. I mainly take vitamin C and D3 pills.
Step 6: Check social media
In between allowing my skin products to dry, I check my DeviantArt, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. I don't engage much with social media in the morning, bar from a good morning post.
Step 7: Brush teeth
Keep them pearly whites white!
Step 8: Hair care
I have long, curly, frizzy hair, so it takes a little to take care of it. Sometimes I use product, sometimes I just brush through it and tie it up so it's out of the way.
Step 9: Check bag
If I have to head out, I always make sure my bag has all my important items; wallet, keys, medicine, period pads, chapstick, bandaids, tissues, and whatever else you deem necessary.
Step 10: ???
Normally I just chill out if I've still got time left before I have to head out the door. What I do in this time can be a lot of things; waste time on social media, take selfies, listen to music, write, or just watch videos on YouTube.
I have to make a confession, this morning routine isn't even accurate anymore. Ever since I lost my job, it's gotten more difficult to get out of bed.
However, I do aim to get this routine back. To pretend that I have to be somewhere before 9PM, and I'm slowly getting there!
While I am quite moody during the mornings, I do enjoy waking up early. Waking up early means I get to do more during the day. But that's just me. 😅
I am grateful for...
new days. This means I can try again, or start something new.
This week's song:
Question of the week:
What is something in your morning routine that you absolutely cannot miss?